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New York Game Awards 2017: tutti i vincitori

In questi giorni sono stati svelati i vincitori dell’edizione 2017 dei New York Game Awards. Le premiazioni si sono tenute all’Abrons Arts Center di Manhattan.


Ciò che caratterizza i NYGA sono le bizzarre categorie: ognuna di esse fa riferimento a  ciò che caratterizza di più la città di new York.

Ecco tutti i vinticori e le suddette categorie:

-Big Apple Award for Game of the Year: Uncharted 4

-Herman Melville Award for Best Writing in a Game: Mafia III

-Andrew Yoon Legend Award:Richard Garriott

-Knickerbocker Award for Best Games Journalism: David Wolinsky

-Coney Island Dreamland Award for Best VR Game: Superhot

-A-Train Award for Best Mobile Game: Pokemon Go

-Great White Way Award for Best Acting in a Game: Rich Sommer, Firewatch

-Off Broadway Award for Best Indie Game: Inside

-Tin Pan Alley Award for Best Music in a Game: Thumper

-Central Park Zoo Award for Best Kids Game: Pokemon Go

-Statue of Liberty Award for Best World: Hitman

-Freedom Tower Award for Best Remake: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

-Battery Park Award for Best Handheld Game: Severed

-Fan Vote: The Ebbetts Field Award for Best eSports Team: Cloud9

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